Our common denominator is not age, ethnicity, gender, social status or politics but Jesus Christ which allows us to embrace and celebrate our diversity as we seek to live out community within the bounds of faith, hope and love.
Our Sunday Worship includes Powerful Contemporary Christian Worship, a traditional Hymn, Welcoming atmosphere, and a relevant message that is Biblicaly sounded that applies to your life.
San Andreas Community Covenant Church is a historic Christ centered church. SACCC is proud of our heritage but willing to change in order to advance the Kingdom of God. Located in rural Northern California in beautiful Calaveras County. San Andreas is in the heart of the Gold Country nestled in the Sierra foothills between Yosemite and Lake Tahoe.
San Andreas Community Covenant Church
Worship THROUGH giving
Why We Give
We give because God has given to us. Our time, our talents, our treasures—they all come from God. But in love, our Heavenly Father gave us the greatest gift of all: God the Son became the man Jesus Christ; He became poor that we might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9).
How to Give
We pass a plate during the service, giving boxes are also located in the Lobby, Hallway and Anna's Place.
Give online through CovGive. Set up an account by clicking on the "Give Online" button.
PO Box 810, San Andreas CA 95249